Text by Albizael Del Valle and Elizabeth Barnes
What makes a successful compra?
- A 7 a.m. arrival at Pop Wuj (and an 8 a.m. departure to La Democracia market)
- 14 hardworking stove recipients from 12 families
- 5 above-and-beyond Pop Wuj student volunteers
- 3 of their excellent teachers
- 2 Pop Wuj interns
- Carmen, Sonia, and Carmelina, who arranged everything (and defy categorization)
Carmelina, our fearless leader, starts the day by buying bricks. (Photo by Elizabeth Barnes) |
General Projects Coordinator Albizael Del Valle makes sure the team inside the truck is ready to load bricks. (Photo by Elizabeth Barnes) |
Everyone hangs on tight as our truck makes it way through Xela. (Photo by Albizael Del Valle) |
- 36 chimney tubes and 12 "sombreros," doors, and stove tops from the ferreteria
- 1400 bricks
(Photo by Elizabeth Barnes) |
- 24 costales of clay
Each stove recipient brought 2 costales, long, tough bags of woven plastic that we used to haul barro, or clay. (Photo by Elizabeth Barnes) |
(Photo by Albizael Del Valle) |
With the cement truck backed up against our truck, unloading the bags was easy. (Photo by Elizabeth Barnes) |
- 360 cinder blocks
- An indeterminate but huge load of sand
Navigating the windy dirt roads was often a challenge. (Photo by Albizael del Valle) |
- 2 trucks and 1 SUV to carry everything (and everyone) to el Valle de Palajunoj
(Photo by Albizael Del Valle) |
Sometimes we were able to back the trucks right up to the families' door, but sometimes we had to carry everything a few hundred feet to the houses. (Photo by Elizabeth Barnes) |
- 2 beautiful pueblos, Llanos del Pinal and Xecaracoj
The valley lies at the base of Volcán Santa Maria. (Photo by Elizabeth Barnes) |
- 12 cadenas (chains) of people unloading bricks and cinder blocks
(Photo by Elizabeth Barnes) |
(Photo by Luke Strohbehn) |
- 6 1/2 hours of gorgeous weather, seamless teamwork, and tireless dedication
(Photo by Elizabeth Barnes) |
(Photo by Luke Strohbehn) |
(Photo by Albizael Del Valle) |
Stove recipients pause with Carmen (third from left) and Carmelina (third from right) at the end of a long morning of material purchases and deliveries. (Photo by Elizabeth Barnes) |
Thank you to everyone who helped load and unload 12 stoves' worth of materials! This morning we sent two teams to start building the first stoves of this group.
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