Last Friday the circus came to town!! The Llanos del Pinal primary school finished early on Friday morning so the kids could head to the circus. All the kids piled into the back of my van and we trundled, bumped and laughed our way along the bumpy roads of Llanos del Pinal to the circus. It wasn't what many may class as a circus, per say. But a few clowns, a couple unicycles and a lot of laughs made it close enough. Our Guayito got selected to participate in the 'try to say on your feet and not vomit contest', also known as spinning around in circles for a long time. But after a lot of spinning and only 3 tumbles he came away victor, a can of drink his spoils of war. Afterwards we bumped and laughed our way back to the centre via a couple paseos around Llanos.

The Thursday prior to the circus we had our own little warm up performance. Thanks to a couple of talented and energetic students from the Pop Wuj Spanish school, we sang and danced our way through our Thursday activity.
Also on another lovely note the monthly staff meeting turned into a mini surprise party for our wonderful boss, the all encompassing social projects coordinator, Carmencita, with paches de papa (typical potato tamales), presents and pasteles. Happy Birthday Carmencita!!
On a little bit a self indulgent note, this is my last week as the coordinator of the Family Support Centre. I would just like to thank everyone involved in this amazing project, Pop Wuj for this opportunity and continued tireless work in the communities around Xela, the staff at the centre for your friendship, help and support, the mothers for your trust and support, everyone that supports the centre through Foundation Todos Juntos (your donations make a world of difference), and most of all the kids for the love and enjoyment I felt everyday. I will be back very soon!!
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