Pop Wuj just held its annual Las Olimpiadas, which is our unique version of field day for the participants at the Family Support Center. We arrived at the field bright and early to get started. We divided into four teams captained by Johanne, Adam, Lily, and Santos.
Los Rojos |
Los Azules |
Los Verdes |
Los Amarillos |
The first game was a sack relay race! Team Blue won a very close race and advanced early on in the standings.
Next we played Pantano, which involved crawling at top speed underneath ropes without touching them. A 5-second penalty was added for touching the ropes, though only a few managed to make it across without a penalty. We saw a lot of interesting strategies, though rolling seemed to be the fastest and safest way to make it down the line. Team Green ended up with the fastest overall time!
The third game was a three-legged race! Blue and Yellow tied, leading to a tiebreaker with the two best partners on each team racing. Yellow came out with the win, probably due to Santos' unique strategy of carrying his partner, Jonathan.
During our snack break we held the finals for the soccer tournament that had been going on throughout vacation. The game was close, but Team Peru edged ahead of their opponents in the final minutes, winning 4-3 and taking home the first ever trophy!
Team Peru with superstar goalkeeper, Lesly (center) |
We continued after with another team game in which each player had a balloon tied around their ankle. The goal was to protect your own balloon and those of your teammates while popping those of your opponents. After eliminating most of the competition in the first round, we made the field smaller and put the finalists in the middle. We had representatives from Team Red, Team Green, Team Yellow, and Team Blue. Ultimately, we ended with a tie between Team Red and Team Green.
With Team Green leading in the standings, we began our final relay race around the field. Green ultimately edged out the rest of the competition, winning by 2 seconds with a time of 3:32. Red and Yellow tied, finishing with a time of 3:34, while Blue flew in only a second after with a time of 3:35.
Ilcy, running the relay |
Wilson, running the relay |
Although Team Green won the Olympics, everyone enjoyed the insanely fun day. Who doesn't love a little exercise and some friendly competition?