Thursday, February 25, 2016

Spread the Love: El Día del Cariño en Llanos del Pinal

Text by Amalyah Leader
Photos by Elizabeth Barnes

On Thursday February 11th, we celebrated Saint Valentines Day at the Family Support Center. The youngest group was given blocks of frozen ice with glitter and hearts frozen inside. Using eye droppers and hot water they slowly melted the ice to save the animals that were trapped within the ice. The kids became fascinated be the melting of the ice and excitedly would cry out when they had rescued an animal.

Alex and Dawn take a nap

Following this activity, the little ones went inside again to get warm and the big ones came out. The older group was given a script and they eagerly chose their parts for the play. We did a quick dress rehearsal together and then gathered all of the kids together outside. The older ones animately presented their skit by telling the story of how Saint Valentine said NO to the emperor's decree that soldiers could not get marrried. They then continued to teach everyone the importance of expressing love and frienship and the many ways you can do that. Whether it is a hug, a kind gesture, or the words I love you, it's important to express how you feel.

Dawn then lead all the kids in a game that included straws and little hearts. The kids energetically cheered on their team mates as they tried to keep their hearts on the straws. At the end of the day, each student was given a Valentine's Day card and a chocolate. It was a day with lots of fun activites and love was spreading rapidly.

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