Bringing together the Family Support Center participants and staff, safe stove project families, and Pop Wuj students, teachers, staff, and volunteers, we planted 235 trees in Llanos del Pinal last week.
Carmen, director of Pop Wuj's social projects, and Doña Delfina of the Family Support Center, speak together about the importance of the day's mission to reforest the land. |
The reforestation took place near the Family Support Center in the town of Llanos del Pinal. |
Pop Wuj purchased a variety of seedlings in anticipation of the activity, including white pine, red pine, cypress, and encino (oak). We divided into four groups and each group walked/hiked to a different piece of land in Llanos del Pinal.
The kids proudly raise up their trees, ready to plant! |
The oldest participants of the Family Support Center and the Pop Wuj students with the most energy hiked up the mountainside for over an hour while the younger group stayed closer to the valley.
Carmen helping Amy plant a tree. |
Amy with a handful of trees. |
The "medianos," with Amy, Carmen Maria, Pop Wuj students and teachers, and stove families hiked for 15 minutes or so before arriving at the family's land to plant the trees.
We planted 50 trees and then hiked a bit more up the mountainside.
Guayo and Ismael plant a cypress seedling. |
Rolling down the hill, now a regular post-reforestation activity for the Family Support Center kids! |
Thank you to all of the project participants, staff, Pop Wuj students, teachers, volunteers, and staff for making our reforestation day a success!
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